Saturday, August 24, 2013

Day 9 and 10: I think Ned will be HAPPY

This is my niece Isla and I, we both enjoy the relaxing rides at theme parks!
Well for the last two days no running has been on the agenda but I think Ned will still be happy with me.  I spend the ninth day walking around Universal Studios, drinking plenty of water, and only eating gluten free, dairy free food.  Not bad for a day off and I am sure I walked off most of the calories I consumed and then sweated out the rest thanks to the soaring humidity and nervous energy from the mildly nauseating rides I went on late in the day thanks to the egging on of two eight year olds and my sister!

It was a great day, and extremely hot!
Today I spent much of my day relaxing knowing Ned and I have a date tomorrow and it involves a significant amount of running.  Not sure I will have earned any brownie points from Ned from my activities today but I did say no to the waiter when he asked about ice creams, but yes to the lime juice that was way too tempting in 32 degrees ... and it was TOTALLY worth it :o)

To be fair it was the perfect spot to relax ;o)
See you all tomorrow, when Ned and I will determine whether a day relaxing by the pool is really a good idea prior to a run day or whether today was just a day of pure luxury and laziness!



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